Monday, September 11, 2017

Ask Linda #1614-Apply anti-slip tape to grip

Dear Linda,
Is the anti-slip tape legally allowed as shown in attached photos?
Best Regards,
Lou from Thailand

Dear Lou,

A literal reading of Rule 14-3c would seem to indicate that the anti-slip tape in your photos is not legal. While a player may wear gloves, use powder, or wrap a handkerchief or towel around the club to assist him in gripping it, there does not seem to be permission to affix strips of gripping tape to the actual grip. I believe this would violate the requirement in Appendix II that a grip be “straight and plain in form” and have "no bulge or waist." I am going to send your question to a senior rules official, to see if he will give me a more definitive answer. Please be patient while I await his response.

Copyright © 2017 Linda Miller. All rights reserved.

Response from senior official:
I don’t like the way it’s currently taped because of the potential for “bulges and waists”.  If the grip were completely covered and done so without ridges created by overlap, I think it would be permitted.