Friday, April 25, 2014

Ask Linda #834-Rake bunker, ball still in it

Hi Linda,
Recently I played a foursomes stroke event where each pair played alternate strokes.
When a player hits in the bunker and the ball rolls back into the same bunker but in a different location well away from where it was hit originally, is it permissible for the bunker to be raked between shots?
With kind regards,
Lulu from Australia

Dear Lulu,

Yes, assuming that raking the sand where the ball originally lay will not improve the player’s line of play or the area of her intended stance or swing for her next shot from the same bunker.

A player is permitted to smooth sand in the bunker at any time, provided the purpose is to care for the course and she doesn’t help herself in the process [Exception 2 to Rule 13-4].

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