Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ask Linda #672-Bunker or waste bunker?

Hi Linda,
Thanks for all of your help in the past. A friend was in a bunker with a cactus growing in the middle. She thought this made it a waste bunker.
Is there an easy way to tell the difference between a waste bunker and a hazard? I've always looked for a rake. If there is no rake, I played it as a waste bunker. I guess that doesn't always work when I think of a penalty assessed to Dustin Johnson during one of the majors.

Dear Lou,

First check your scorecard, Lou. It may say something like: “The sandy area on Hole #4 is a waste bunker.” Or it may state: “Sandy areas with rakes are bunkers; sandy areas without rakes are waste bunkers.” Sometimes the starter will explain the bunker rules in his instructions.

When you play a course for the first time, ask the starter if there are any waste areas on the course.

Don’t assume that a bunker is a waste bunker merely because no rakes are available. You don’t want to run the risk of a penalty because you guessed wrong. When in doubt, treat all areas that resemble bunkers as bunkers.

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