Friday, February 22, 2013

Ask Linda #613-Borrowing a club

Hi Linda,

If a player uses a club (in this case driver) of a fellow competitor (just because he liked it better), is that player penalised or disqualified? And what penalty is given to the player that knowingly lent the club and knew that it was against the rules. Is he penalised or disqualified? 

Thank you,

Dear Lou,

A player is not permitted to use a fellow competitor’s club. The penalty is two strokes per hole, maximum four strokes per round [Rule 4-4a].

If this were match play, the state of the match would be adjusted by deducting one hole per breach, maximum two holes.

If the two players are partners, they may share clubs if the total carried by the two players does not exceed 14. In other words, if Bill is carrying 6 clubs, and Jim is carrying 8, they may share.

The player who lends the club is not penalized. However, if it can be established that he intentionally gave the club to his fellow competitor to cause him to incur a penalty and influence the final standings of the tournament, the Committee would want to address this as an etiquette issue; disqualification would be a possible outcome.

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