Monday, January 21, 2013

Ask Linda #594-Wind moves ball on green

Dear Linda,
In recent days, with the hurricane winds, this is what I experienced...
I addressed the ball on the green. Strong winds were affecting me and my hat, so I stood up and backed away from the ball by a few steps to wait for the wind to stop. Then the ball began to roll, being pushed by the wind for several feet.
What would the ruling be for how I should proceed?

Dear Lulu,

Ordinarily, once a player has addressed the ball, she is responsible if the ball subsequently moves, even if she moves away from the ball [Rule 18-2b]. However, there is now an exception to 18-2b, which absolves the player of the responsibility for the ball moving “if it is known or virtually certain that the player did not cause his ball to move.”

Judging from your description, the hurricane winds were clearly responsible, and you would therefore incur no penalty. You must play the ball from its new spot. You never replace a ball that has been moved by the wind.

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