Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ask Linda #504-Relief for ball under tree

Dear readers,
Several readers pointed out that I neglected to state that each time you measure the two-club lengths you must drop your ball before you measure another two and drop again. I have amended my answer to include this clarification. 

Hi Linda,

Love your emails.

My bud's ball was unplayable under a pine tree - he took two club-lengths from the edge of the tree for a one-stroke penalty. Not right, right? The two club-lengths is always from the ball location

Dear Lou,

“Not right” is right, Lou! The two-club-length relief option for an unplayable ball begins at the ball [Rule 28c]. If you measure two club-lengths from the ball, drop your ball properly, and find that your swing is still hindered by the tree, you may measure an additional two club-lengths and repeat the dropping process. Each drop will add another penalty stroke to your score. In other words, if it takes you six drops to get free of the branches, you have incurred three penalty strokes.

This is another example of why it is so important to assess your options before you lift your ball. The more prudent choice, in your scenario, might have been to return to where the previous shot was hit.

Copyright © 2012 Linda Miller. All rights reserved.